Alright so I've decided to kick things back off by doing a 'Thursday Tag post' the idea coming from Tyler - Rose over at The Reading Pile, I'm going to start this Thursday, right now! And this tag was found on Tyler's blog this morning 'The Book Sacrifice Tag', so, shall we begin? Here's the link to the original tag video by Ariel Bissett.
1) An Over-Hyped book: Let’s start this off with a Zombie Apocalypse! Let’s say you’re in a book store, just browsing, when BAM! ZOMBIE ATTACK. An announcement comes over the PA System saying that the military has discovered that the zombies’ only weakness is over-hyped books. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you really hated do you start chucking at the zombies knowing that it will count as an over-hyped book and successfully wipe them out?!
- Okay, for me this definitely has to be 'Born at Midnight' by C.C.Hunter. This book would wipe them zombies out in one. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. But SO MANY people told me how amazing it was, so many YouTube videos hyped it, and many blog posts poured over it. And lets be honest, it was really just OK.4) A Sequel: Let’s say you’ve just left the salon with a SMASHING new haircut and BOOM: Torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?

- There aren't really any sequels I've disliked enough to do this, In fact even if I hated a book I couldn't ruin it! However I have to choose, so here goes: 'The Elite' by Kiera Cass, I enjoyed it, but it was slightly disappointing after 'The Selection' which I thoroughly enjoyed!
3) A Classic: Let’s say you’re in a lecture and your English teacher is going on and on about how this classic changed the world, how it revolutionized literature and you get so sick of it that you chuck the classic right at his face because you know what? This classic is stupid and it’s worth detention just to show everyone how you feel! What Classic did you chuck?
- Wuthering Heights, I have tried time and time again to read this book and get into it, and EVERY time I just lose focus, nothing about it grabs me! But I wont let it defeat me! One day I will complete it!
4) Your least favourite book of life!: Let’s say that you’re hanging out at the library when BAM global warming explodes and the world outside becomes a frozen wasteland. You’re trapped and your only chance for survival is to burn a book. What is the book you first run to, your least favourite book of all life, what book do you not fully regret lighting?
- Clockwork Orange. I had to study this book for my English Literature GCSE and I hated it. I enjoyed the story! But I could not for the life of me get my head round the stupid 'Nadsat' that Alex and his stupid little gang use. I hated it. So much. But maybe that was the point? Either way, BURN.