Thursday, 29 December 2011

Tempest by Julie Cross

Forget all that you think you know about time travelling.

Jackson thinks he has a great life, great girlfriend, good friends, supporting dad and a superpower, something every boy dreams of, time travel. But when a shocking event propels him further back in time than he has ever been before-he find’s he can’t return to save the girl he loves. Can he save her before they even met, and time is not on his side..

Heart-warming and exciting right from the start. Read this book cover to cover in 2 days truly gripping! **5/5** stars. 

Monday, 28 February 2011

Exodus review

Exodus was beautifully written and so imaginitive!
Mara bell lives on a small island called wing but she is slowly losing it to the waves.
The ice caps are melthing and the waves are rising but Mara meets a fox in the world of the weave he tells mara off the alleged sky cities she persuades the islanders to go in search of it but things go from bad to worse can Mara pull it all back together and get the islanders safe?
Slow in places but altogether a brilliant read 4 out of 5 stars.