Thursday 5 July 2012

Biweekly Meme's..

Ok so just thought I would inform y'all (Bit of Stevie Rae HON talk there! ) that I am going to TRY and start doing Meme's on Monday's, Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's. I will be doing these Biweekly as I am really busy at the moment but will hopefully put it up to weekly as time goes on.

On Mondays : It's monday! What are you reading?
On Tuesdays: Teaser Tuesday's
On Wednesdays: Waiting on wednesday
On Thursdays: The time will come.

I will explain all of these when I hopefully start next week.

So yeah, again thank you for reading my blog and I hope your enjoying it as much as I am!


  1. Good luck Chelsea :D Hope you enjoy taking part!

  2. Thanks Tyler! And i'm sure i will! :)
